Preventative Dentistry

We recommend practicing regular dental care routines at home to slow the progress of gingivitis and gum disease. However, you must also schedule regular dental hygiene visits with a dental professional for an even deeper, more effective clean! The more prolonged bacteria are allowed to sit without professional, hygienic care, the further they will advance into your gumline.

Deeper gum pockets require even more diligence to prevent the bacteria from undermining the bone that holds your teeth in place. If this happens, Dr. Keen-Ramirez and her team will have to treat you with more in-depth hygienic cleanings, also known as periodontal maintenance. Depending on the severity of your case, your response to treatment, and the consistency of your home care, the team at Allure Dental Aesthetics will customize your treatment plan to include up to four visits a year, as needed, to keep your smile bright and healthy.