
Dr. Keen-Ramirez is experienced in utilizing dental Botox® as a specialized form of cosmetic dentistry. Contrary to what people might think, Botox® can be used in dentistry for many treatments.

Cosmetically, Dr. Keen-Ramirez uses Botox® to relax specific groups of facial muscles, eliminating wrinkles and fine lines that can contribute to aging. However, Botox® from Allure Dental Aesthetics can also alleviate pain in your face and jaw.

TMJ dysfunction (also known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction) and teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) can strain your jaw and facial muscles.

Over time, TMJ causes severe pain and stress on your jaw, leading to misaligned teeth and an uneven bite. As a consequence, these can lead to a change in the way your face is structured. On the other hand, teeth grinding will strain facial and jaw muscles, creating lines in the skin and accelerating aging much faster.

Dr. Keen-Ramirez can stop all of this with dental Botox®! At Allure Dental Aesthetics, we’re all about staying peaceful and relaxed, and Botox® does this for the muscles in your face!